Why "A View from the Middle"? Because my home sits on the middle of a hill overlooking a horse ranch. Because I've always considered myself "mid-height" for a woman at 5'2". And because I'm middle-aged looking back on half my life and forward to the rest of it.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Goin' to Town

It's funny.  Since I've moved to Central California and out into the country, I find driving anywhere more of a decision process than before.

When I lived in Southern California I never thought twice about driving 30+ miles to work, or jumping in my car to go to a store 15 miles away.

Now that I live on the outskirts of Paso Robles I plan my day around "going to town."  Here's the kicker--it's only ten miles away.  Ten miles.  That's it.  So why is it such a big deal?

Yesterday I had to go into town twice!  That was one time too many!  And I ended up missing a meeting because that would have meant going back into town again. 

Granted, the road into town is a small, one-lane, windy road for about half the drive.  But it still only takes 15 minutes.  It used to take 15 minutes to drive to the grocery store when I lived in Southern California, and the store was only four blocks away!

People who come to visit my house the first time always say I live "way out in the boondocks."  Really?

So goin' to town is now a planned event.  All errands that need to be done are carefully mapped out and lists are made.  I wouldn't want to forget anything while I'm in town, because if it doesn't get done then, it's gonna have to wait until next time.

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